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Past Events  (2018) 


23rd Feb 18 Perth
NCC Tutorial : Speaker : Richard Atwell Milestone Certifiers 
  • Using the NCC

  • Australian Regulatory Framework 

  • NCC Volume one Fire Safety 

14th Mar 18: Melbourne
 Waterproofing Membranes for external above-ground use materials- Roofs, Decks , Balconies inclujdues AS 4654.1 -2012 Part 1 Materials and Part 2 Design and Installation 
  •  AS/NZS 2904 Damp Proof Courses and Flashings

  • Designing and Installing Box Gutters- Achieving Compliance

  • 'Construction in Australia - 50 times more expensive than it should be; Apply AS3740 and NCC 2016 to ensure waterproofing of internal wet areas 


Speakers included : Institute of Waterproofing, Tremco, Terry Bush (Past President Australian Institute of Buildign Surveyors) 

13th April 18 : Perth  
  • NCC Volume One Amendment Fire Safety in High-Rise Buildings

  • Fire safety concerns in existing development - obligations of builders and building surveyors, inc fire safety in shopping cenres - Audit findings and concerns

  • WA Statewide Building Cladding Audits 

  • Preparing for Section J 2019 Review

  • Practical Development and Assessment of Performance Solutions

  • Progressive Implemementation of the Improved Codemark and Watermark Australia Certification


Speakers included : Department of Fire and Emergency Services WA, Cadds, BCA Consultants , Alex Alexandrovski Senior Fire Engineer 

24th April 18 : Brisbane NCC Tutorial   ( Presented by Institute of Waterproofing and Formiga1 ) 

AS 4664.1.2012 Waterproofing membranes for external above ground use materials - roofs, decks balcoies

NCC Fire Performance of external walls and cladding - 

NCC and Insulation requirements wall separating balconies- do they require a FRL

27th April 18 : Sydney : NSW Cladding Taskforce findings and Fire Safety  

NSW Cladding Taskforce  Findings
NCC Volume One Amendment Fire Safety in High-Rise 
Façade compliance aluminium composite Panels (ACPs) 
External walls & facades - why fire rated metal or brick can still fail industry standards for cladding fire safety and more


Speakers included : NSW Taskforce, Minister Kean's office - Martin Hoffman, Exova Warrington and Tremco 

10th May 18 : Perth Waterproofing Membranes for External above-ground use materials - Roofs Decks, Balconies, includes           AS 4654.1 2012 Part 1 Materials and Part 2 Design and Installation 
  • Building and Energy Audit Findings WA 

  • Concrete Waterproofing selecion and design of integrally waterproofed Systems 

  • Designing and Installing Box Gutters- Achieving Compliance 

  • Australian Institute of Waterproofing - Waterproofing Challenges and Defects

  • Construction in Australia - 50 times more expensive 


Speakers included Building and Energy Audit Manager, Allan Shiell, Institute of Waterproofing, Tremco 

23rd May 18 : Adelaide - ADEB Health and Aged Care 

- Disability (Access to premises - Buildings) 2010 - Construction of new buildings as well as the upgrade of existing buildings - SA Advisory note 
- Dementia and the Built Environment; applying the key design principles for people with dementia in aged care settings 
- Infection Control and Prevention during construction repair and maintenance 
- Air quality - impacts of improper wall design on the health of occupants
- Microbial Risks - Rising antibiotic resistance in E Coli - the commonest cause of bloodstream infection
- Legionella Management in health and aged care Facilities - (SA Health) 
- Challenges for the control of legionnaires disease and other opportunities waterborne infections in healthcare facilities 
- Water Safety in Health and Aged Care - More than Legionella control


Speakers included : Andrew Vickers (South Australian Health), Dr Harriet Whiley (SA University), Irene WIlkinson (SA Health), Dr Richard Bentham (Hindmarsh Plumbing), Terry Bush (ACB Consulting), Jacqui Mclean (Infection Control and Prevention Built Environment Consultant),  Kirsty Bennett (Dementia Training Australia ), Steve Mort (Tremco ) , Enware (Jason Hinds) 

25th May 18 : Sydney -  Waterproofing Challenges & Membranes for external above-ground use materials- Roofs, Decks Balconies inc AS 4654.1 2012 Part Materials & Part Design and Installation 

- Waterproofing and Trending Defects in Strata Schemes - Trending legal issues in respect to those defects and the 2% scheme 
Waterproofing Membranes for external above-ground use materials - Roofs, Decks, Balconies includes AS 4654.1 -2012 Part 1 Materials & Part 2 Design and Installation 
AS/NZS 2904 Damp Proof Courses and Flashings 
Designing and Installing Box Gutters- Achieving Compliance
CPD - ' Construction in Australia - 50 times more expensive than it should be; Apply AS3740 and NCC 2016 to ensure waterproofing of internal wet areas


Speakers included :  David Bannerman (Bannerman Lawyers and Board Director of Strata Community Australia (NSW)

Terry Bush (ACB Consulting and Ex President Australian Institute of Building Surveyors), 

Paul Evans (President of Institute of Waterproofing, ) Steve Mort, (Tremco ) 

1st June 18 : Perth  - New Building and planning Requirements for Development in Bushfire Prone areas 

Bushfire provisions, the Building Commissions Auditing and Monitoring Process
•    Compliance Assessment of the Bushfire attack level by a BAL Assessor 
•    obligations for Building Surveyors and Builders


Can Timber be used in Bushfire Prone Areas? 
 Participants received an understanding of how and which wood products could be used in the various bushfire prone areas and building applications. This presentation brings together the requirements of AS 3959 and explains the use of LVL what timbers can be used and construction requirements for BAL 


Bushfire Management plans 
•    Assessing Bushfire Hazazd Levels and determining bushfire attack levels
•    Bushfire Planning and building legislative requirements in WA
•    Knowledge of bushfire impact and building design to mitigate bushfire impact
•    Understanding of the application of AS3959 bushfire specific documentaton to support building and planning application 


Speakers included Kathy Nastov and Mike Stott ( Directors Bushfire Prone Planning ) , Allan Shiell (Building & Energy), Boris Iskra (National Manager, Codes and Standards FWPA) 

15th  June 18 : ADEB Health and Aged Care Perth (Pan Pacific Hotel )  

- Dementia and the Built Environment; applying the key design principles for people with dementia in aged care settings 
- Early Diagnosis and prevention of Alzheimers Disease - Insight 
- Infection Control and Prevenyion during construction repair and maintenance 
- Air quality - impacts of improper wall design on the health of occupants
- Ventilation - Scientific benefits of ventilation and the impact on ventilation of different window types- inc briefing on the       WERS rating for screened windows 
- Fire Safety in Hospitals and Aged Care Facilities - inc Audits and Findings 
- Water Risk Management - a holistic approach - legionella, lead 
- Designing for Better outcomes


Speakers included : Professor Ralph Martins (Chair in Ageing and Alzheimers Disease (ECU) ) , Jason Burton  (Head of Practice Dementia Innovation), Helen Bucknill (Director Quips) , Ryan Milne (Director Ecosafe International) , David Wright (State Representative Tremco ), Warren Gannaway (State Manager Breezway) , Alex Alexandrovski (Senior Fire Engineer BCA Consultants), Jason Hinds (National Technical Manager, Enware) 

27th  June 18 : Adelaide  - NCC Tutorial   (Presented by Terry Bush (ACB Consulting and ex- president AIBS) 

- Australian Regulatory Framework for Building and Plumbing
- NCC Volume One Disability Access


3rd August 18 : Brisbane : Fire Safety in Multi-Storey Child & Aged Care & Mould , Air quality 

- Using the NCC


- Fire safety in Multi-Storey Child & Aged Care ; Deemed to Satisfy, challenges and the NCC 2019


 Impacts of Improper Wall Design on the Health of Occupants

- Describe what an air barrier is, and why that is different than a vapour retarder
- Demonstrate what creates air seal failures and how that allows water ingress
- How variations in wall design can promote mould growth
- Explain how wall assemblies that work in one climate, may not be suitable for another


Speakers included : Stephen Burton (Ferm Engineering Director and Committee Member Society of Fire Safety ),  Steve Mort (National Technical Manager, Tremco ) 

29th August 18 : Sydney : Fire Safety in Multi-Storey Child, Ramp & Stair Compliance and more

- Fire safety in Multi-Storey Child & Aged Care ; Deemed to Satisfy, challenges and the NCC 2019

- Rising Risks of Vertical Schools and Aged Care 

- Ramp and Sair Compliance - Slip, Trips and Falls 

- Waterproofing defects in High-Rise - why new construction is 50 times more expensive 


Speakers Included : Stephen Burton (Ferm Engineering Director and Committee Member Society of Fire Safety), Bruce Bromley, Equal Access Consultants Director ),  Steve Mort (National Technical Manager, Tremco ) 


26th Sept 18 : Gold Coast  - ADEB Health and Aged Care  - Infection Control 

- Antibiotic Resistance - Challenges in Hospitals and Aged Care 
- Food Safety and Poisoning in Health and Aged Care & Legionella , Laboratory Testing 
- Preparation, Prevention, Detection and Management of Gastroenteritis and Influenza outbreaks in residential care facilities
- Water Safety in Health and Aged Care - More than Legionella Control


Speakers included Professor Chris del Mar (Gold Coast University , Centre for Research in evidence-based practice) Dr Richard Bentham, (Hindmarsh Plumbing), Tracy Bladen (Gold Coast Public Health Nurse, ) 

Glen Pinna (GM Biotech Laboratories) 

27th Sept 18 : Brisbane - ADEB Health and Aged Care - Infection Control, Health Design and Build

- Impacts of Improper Wall Design and Construct on the Health of Hospital and Aged Care occupants
- Key Design Principles for Dementia 
- Antibiotic Resistance links between nursing homes and hospitals
- Legionella - Laboratory sampling and analysis

- Food Safety and Poisoning in Health and Aged Care 
- Outbreak management in residential care facilities, influenza, gastroenteritis and more
- Water safety in Health and Aged Care - more than legionella


Speakers included  Dementia Training Australia, (Lyntara Quirke), Queensland North and South Metro Public Unit ,  ALS Global, Dr Richard Bentham (Hindmarsh Plumbing), Steve Mort (Tremco), DR KRISPIN HAJKOWICZ, FRACP, MPH – (Senior Staff Specialist in Infectious Diseases at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital)

3rd Oct 18 Melbourne 

- Fire Safety in Multi-Storey Childcare & Aged Care NCC 2019 preparation ;

- Fire and Steel Structures - Challenges and 'New Conforming Products legislation for steel fabrication and designs to meet AS4100, AS5131, AS4600 in fire and the impact these have to meet NCC B1.4 and BV1 for reliability of steel construction 
- The Rising Risks of Vertical Schools and Aged Care 
- Optimisation of intumescent coatings on Structural Steel Fire Design
- External walls & facades - why fire rated metal or brick can still fail industry standards for cladding fire safety and more


Speakers Included : Stephen Burton (Ferm Engineering Director and Committee Member Society of Fire Safety), Bruce Bromely (Director Equal Access Consultants), Steve Mort (Tremco ) 

14th Nov 18 Sydney  (Rydges Hotel , North Sydney ) 

-  Fire and Steel Structures - Challenges and 'New Conforming Products legislation for steel fabrication and designs to meet AS4100, AS5131, AS4600 in fire and the impact these have to meet NCC B1.4 and BV1 for reliability of steel construction 
- Optimisation of intumescent coatings on Structural Steel Fire Design
- External walls & facades - why fire rated metal or brick can still fail industry standards for cladding fire safety and more


Speakers : Stephen Burton (Ferm Engineering Director and Committee Member Society of Fire Safety ) , Steve Mort (Tremco ) 

16th Nov 18 Canberra  (Mantra on Northbourne) Building Defects ACT Building Regulatory System and Impacts ; Waterproofing Challenges & Failures - Roofs Decks, Balconies and more    

- Transforming Australia’s capital cities- are high-rise apartments riddled with waterproofing defects? 
- ACT Building Regulatory System Review 

- Waterproofing Membranes for external above-ground use materials - Roofs Decks Balconies includes AS4654.1 2012 Part 1 Materials and Part 2 Design and Installation 
- Waterproofing Failures: Industry Insight


Speakers included : Christopher Kerin (Kerin Benson Lawyers), Institute of Waterproofing (President Paul Evans  & Karl Wootton), Steve Mort (Tremco )

29th Nov 18 : Perth  - Crystal Swan Cruises - End of Year     

- NCC 2019 preparation ; Fire and Steel Structures - Challenges and 'New Conforming Products legislation for steel fabrication and designs to meet AS4100, AS5131, AS4600 in fire

- Construction Defects in Commercial and Residential Buildings


Speakers included ; Steven Randall & Justin Irvine  (Director Firescope Services) Darren Bennett (Planet Acoustics ), Steve Burton (Ferm Engineering and Committe Member Society of Fire Safety), David Wright (Tremco ) 

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