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Training & Workshops 

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ADEB Training and workshops are held on a regular basis. 

Workshops are limited to maximum of 20 and are held in Crawley. 

Architects, Builders, Engineers, Designers, Building Surveyors, Consultants, Suppliers, Architectural Representatives, Business Development managers, Trades can enrol in our ongoing workshops and seminars delivered by industry experts and educators.

Register your interest today and stay updated on changes to building codes, legislation and matters that relate to your discipline 


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Fire Engineering workshops 

  • Assessments of compliance with DFES operational requirements 

  • Fire safety engineered performed solutions 

  • DFES consultant at the Design phase

  • Fire Engineering brief and report submissions 

Construction Defects and Design Defect Liability 

  • Construction Defects and Design Defect Liability 

  • Legal Liabilities 

  • Likely reform Parths

  • Risk Management 

  • Legislation and Standards 

Concrete Defects

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How to manage subcontractor insolvency 
​Presented by Clint Joseph 

  • This presentation will discuss; 



  • •    How to manage counterparty risk before and after a counterparty’s insolvency

  • •    An overview of the new Small Business Restructuring regime, including risks to head contractors


  • •    Warning signs that a subcontractor may be under stress 

  • •    Opportunities and risks for the construction industry in the current climate

Changes to Construction contracts in WA - Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021.


Presented by Andrew Vinciullo , Special Counsel HFW  


  • This presentation will discuss ;


  • 1)    Contract Terms: Proposed changes to and introduction of standard terms and obligations under construction contracts; and

  • 2)    Adjudication: Changes to the payment claim system and the adjudication of payment disputes.

Building Management Building in Bushfire prone areas 

  • More details coming soon 

National Construction Code Tutorials 

  • National Construction Code (NCC) training provided by Jazcorp Australia ADEB as set out by the Australian Building Codes Board  provides participants with knowledge about the changes to the NCC and the requirements which comprises of; the Building Code of Australia (BCA), Volume One and Two; and the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA), as Volume Three.

  • The NCC is a collection of the Performance Requirements for all classes of buildings and reflects the only legal requirements of the NCC.

  • Each volume pertains to different classes within the commercial, industrial and residential buildings, with the NCC detailing the different requirements for each building classification and is aimed at improving the consistency between building, energy frameworks and plumbing.

  • Tutorials offer Formal CPD points 

Waterproofing solutions                                                                      

  • Waterproofing events, seminars, and conferences have been hosted nationally with Institute of Waterproofing, David Bannerman Lawyers, and more since 2016...

  • More events to come soon...Please check back with us 

Directors Duties under the WHS Act
Robert Greig
Greigs Employment Lawyers 

  • The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 has been passed by the WA Parliament and will come into effect in either late 2021 or earlier 2022. This Act inserts very specific due diligence obligations for all directors and officers. There is no distinction between executive or non-executive directors or whether the role is paid or voluntary. The obligations are really an exercise in reducing into writing what directors and officers are required to do now, and what would be necessary to defend a charge. However, there is now very clear guidance as to what each director or officer is required to do


Architects Designers Engineers Builders 

1300 667 709 

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