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Building Industry

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Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021. 

Workshops on the changes for WA are held in your office (in house presentations ) or at our offices in Burswood. Contracts Managers, Procurement  

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Access Design and Build 

Access Design and Build Workshops, Seminars and events are held on a regular basis where Building Surveyors, Access Consultants, Builders and Architects accrue CPD points and remain updated and informed.  Training is also provided for manufacturers and suppliers


National Construction Code Tutorials 

National Construction Code (NCC) training provided by Jazcorp Australia ADEB as set out by the Australian Building Codes Board  provides participants with knowledge about the changes to the NCC and the requirements which comprises of; the Building Code of Australia (BCA), Volume One and Two; and the Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA), as Volume Three.


The NCC is a collection of the Performance Requirements for all classes of buildings and reflects the only legal requirements of the NCC.

Each volume pertains to different classes within the commercial, industrial and residential buildings, with the NCC detailing the different requirements for each building classification and is aimed at improving the consistency between building, energy frameworks and plumbing.

Tutorials offer Formal CPD points. Click here to register interest 

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Specifying Building Materials 

Architects can accrue CPD points in house where presentations are technical and educational and conducted as a workshop. 

In house presentations can manage this service for both Architects and Suppliers. 

Note for all 

Architects, Designers, Engineers and other specialists involved in the planning and design of building and construction must ensure that they understand and specify the performance requirements of building elements and materials. Design consultants must design buildings to comply with the National Construction Code (NCC) and the relevant state requirements. This includes the specification of building products which meet the performance requirements of the NCC.


Manufacturers need to ensure that they know the requirements of compliance and conformance of their products and materials and the evidence required to demonstrate compliance. This involves being aware of a range of related requirements such as testing, assurance, and certification. It also requires manufacturers to understand how customers should and should not use their products.  

                                                                             Importers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers need to ensure that the products being supplied do not breach trade or consumer laws or industry-specific requirements for safety or performance. Some products or materials have specific requirements to demonstrate safety and suitability before they can be lawfully sold and may require independent testing and certification before being supplied.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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Safety Managed 

All Safety Managers, Representatives, Officers, Directors in mining, residential and commercial construction, marine, corporate offices can remain updated and informed on regular workshops held throughout the year. Webinars are available and in house presentations (in your office are also provided ) 

Click here to view the Safety managed website 

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Specialist Disability Accommodation

Specialist Disability Accommodation Seminars, Workshops and Events are held throughout the year. 

SDA providers, investors, property developers, SIL Providers, Building Surveyors, Architects, Builders can remain updated and informed.

Stay tuned for WA events. 

See here for the website and any upcoming events 

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Social Housing 

ADEB works together with NDISLINK Events and Conferences and designs event programs that address SDA, Social Housing and Affordable housing.

Social housing makes up 4.1% of homes in Western Australia. 76% of properties are public housing, managed by the state and 24% managed by community housing providers

Housing construction is one of the most powerful job keepers and economic multipliers across the economy, and construction will play a huge role in WA’s economic recovery. Stimulus spending on social housing provides one of the best opportunities to save existing jobs in the housing sector and create new jobs over the long term but has the extra added benefit of providing much-needed housing for Western Australia’s most vulnerable. Remain informed at upcoming events on this topic .

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In House presentation Bookings 

In house presentations are presentations booked in your office. We understand that not everyone can attend our workshops and events offsite. You provide the room and facility and we arrange for the presenters to come to your office. Minimum of 5 attendees and costs apply. Certificates of Attendance will be provided and CPD points can be accrued. Click here for more information 

Architects Designers Engineers Builders 

1300 667 709 

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