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Glass Buildings


Current Workshops and Presentations for your Team delivered  in your office 

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ADEB's  Inhouse presentations are designed to ensure that those all key members of staff remain updated , educated and informed. If you are unable to attend our events due to time restrictions, we can come to you.

Presenters boast years of industry expertise and include representatives of Law Firms, Industry Experts, Licensed Building Surveyors and Consultants, Access Consultants,  Safety Experts, Architectural technical representatives and some local government representatives

You choose the most appropriate location in your office, provide presentation equipment, we provide the catering if required 

Presentations are delivered in a workshop format, with materials provided. A high level of engagement and Q & A means that you and your team walk away better informed 

Book your in house presentation today.

For alternate Workshops and Training information conducted at other venues or in our office please click here 

Changes to Construction contracts in WA - Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021  

Presented by Andrew Vinciullo , Special Counsel HFW

Introductory Offer :Cost: $75pp 

Time (1.5 hours) 

Min 5 persons  (if there are less persons, then cost for 5 is applicable 

Catering costs apply  (if required) 

New security of payment legislation will affect some practices of principals, contractors and subcontractors that have become market norms in the construction sector.


Many market participants will need to change their standard contracts and contract administration processes in response to the new law.

The Building and Construction Industry (Security of Payment) Act 2021 (WA) (SOP Act) received Royal Assent on 25 June 2021. The SOP Act replaces the Construction Contracts Act 2004 (WA) (CCA) with respect to construction contracts entered after the SOP Act commences operation.

The operative parts of the SOP Act will come into force on a date to be proclaimed (expected to be imminent). Some of the key changes include:

a statutory right to progress payments with prescribed maximum payment terms;

  • introduction of a payment schedule regime;

  • introduction of a minimum rate of interest on late progress payments;

  • introduction of trusts for retention money

  • a requirement to issue notice before having recourse to performance security;

  • prohibition of ‘pay when paid’ provisions extended;

  • invalidity of ‘unfair’ time bars; and

  • a narrowing of the mining exemption.

Andrew will  discuss ;

1)    Contract Terms: Changes to and introduction of standard terms and obligations under construction contracts; and
2)    Adjudication: Changes to the payment claim system and the adjudication of payment disputes and the above 

Who should participate? 

Contract Managers, Administrators, Procurement, Project Managers, Executives, Directors 

Architectural In house presentations 

CPD in house presentations are presented by Access Consultants,  Law Firms, Industry Experts, Technical Representatives from various Suppliers 

Presented in your the offices of Architectural Firms  with catering provided 

Please check back with us as we update this information 

How to manage subcontractor insolvency

(1.5 hours) 

​Presented by Clint Joseph 


Cost : Introductory offer $75pp

Min 5 persons (if there are less persons then cost for 5 will still apply ) 

Catering costs apply (if required) 

This presentation will discuss; 


•    How to manage counterparty risk before and after a counterparty’s insolvency
•    An overview of the new Small Business Restructuring regime, including risks to head

•    Warning signs that a subcontractor may be under stress 
•    Opportunities and risks for the construction industry in the current climate


Who should participate? 


Senior members of the organisation who are involved in securing new work and negotiating contracts including assessing and selecting parties to contract with i.e. sub-contractors


Members of the procurement team who engage with suppliers can benefit from attending. 

Other personnel would include Senior finance staff such as a CFO, Financial Controller, accounts receivables officer who would monitor the accounting function including liaising with debtors around cash collections.  

Directors Duties under the WHS Act

Cost : Introductory Offer $135pp

Min 5 (if 5 people do not attend then price still applies for 5 persons ) 

Time : 2.5hrs 

The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 has been passed by the WA Parliament and will come into effect in either late 2021 or earlier 2022.


This Act inserts very specific due diligence obligations for all directors and officers. There is no distinction between executive or non-executive directors or whether the role is paid or voluntary.


The obligations are really an exercise in reducing into writing what directors and officers are required to do now, and what would be necessary to defend a charge. However, there is now very clear guidance as to what each director or officer is required to do.

The presenter will discuss those duties  with participants and discuss what sort of steps can be taken to meet those duties.

Who should attend? 

Safety Managers, Safety Representatives and Business Owners, Project managers

Email us to book your presentation or call 1300 667 709

Architects Designers Engineers Builders 

1300 667 709 

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